Innovation Network Meet-up

Date TBA
15:30 – 19:00

Relationships matter, so let’s really connect!

The first Innovation Network was a great success. Don’t miss the second one, where we all meet and great in Real Life to level up relationships and insights. All are welcome!


Program info

Sign up for our first meet-up!

The program for our next Meet-up is still under construction, but just like the first meeting you can be sure it will be highly interactive, engaging en a fantastic environment to connect, think and be inspired.

This get-together is open to all members of the Innovation Network. We like to bring you all together to get to know each other. The agenda for the day is straight forward:

15:30 Walking
16:00 Opening & Welcome
16:30 Panel discussions with all of us in round tables
18:00 Closing drinks

This will be a fantastic opportunity to get to know each other and discuss various topics, from the far future of technology to projects that keep us awake today.



The 3EALITY hub is right in the centre of the High Tech Campus Eindhoven.

5656 AA Eindhoven
The Netherlands

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Interested to know more? Don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!

Contact Aragorn

Let's connect

Contact patrick

Let's connect

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Let's talk

Interested to know more? Don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!

Contact patrick

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