Our events

Events are at the core of Innovation Network. We aim to Inform, Inspire and Connect. 

Our events are about the shared exploration of what the future will look like. How will AI change the job market? Medicine? Factory work? The Economy? And, of course, the deeper philosophical questions: How do we teach our children the importance of using their own brains? If A.I. takes our jobs, what will we do?

We aim to mix them all together, because what better way to ensure that questions find answers and challenges find heroes?

Keep an eye on our newsletter or here on our website to see what’s up next!

Innovation network meetup
Discover and experience innovation in a full day of connection and inspiration to upgrade your vision.
THE NEXT Innovation Dinner
Thinking Together while Dining Together

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Let's talk

Interested to know more? Don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!

Contact Aragorn

Let's connect

Contact patrick

Let's connect

Join our innovation network

Sign up and receive one email every two weeks.

Let's talk

Interested to know more? Don't hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!

Contact patrick

Innovation Network @ 2024. All rights reserved. 

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